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VICE-CHAIRPERSON of the NAM Parliamentary Network


Mr. Ali Ahmed Faysal

Mr. Ali Ahmed Faysal was born in Tarshiha, north of Palestine in 1948.


He studied at UNRWA schools in south Lebanon (Qana), He get a teaching diploma at UNRWA’s Siblin Institute in 1971 and joined the Lebanese University in Beirut between 1972 and 1973. He worked for 13 years as a teacher at the UNRWA's School (1971-1984).


Mr. Ali Ahmed Faysal participated in the establishment of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine in 1969 as a member of the DFLP political bureau.


He was elected Vice-President of the Palestinian National Council during the 31st session of the Central Council in February 2022


Mr. Ali Ahmed Faysal is a founding member of a number of Arab frameworks, including Member of the General Secretariat of the Conference of Arab Parties since 2004, Member of the Arab National Conference since 2017, Member of the Arab Coordination Against Normalization since 2021, Member of the Preparatory Committee. He is a member of the Justice Forum for Palestine.


He has published a number of books: Palestinian Refugees and the UNRWA (1996), Refugees and the Right of Return (2000), Sharm El Sheikh Refugees. Permanent Solution (2000), The Disengagement Plan (2005), and the Palestinian issue between annexation and normalization (2021). In addition to a number of studies and articles published in the Palestinian and Arab press.

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